Now that the temperatures have cooled down and we're not so desperate to get all that hot hair off of our necks, topknots aren't such a necessity. However, they're still so effortlessly cool and look great year round, so for fall, I like the half up topknot. It's chic and easy like the traditional topknot, but leaving some hair down just makes it look and feel a little cozier.
I'm starting to see this look more and more. I think it's a great way to have the best of both worlds, and you don't even have to have long hair to pull it off! I love the way the half up topknot looks on a girl with a bob. Or a girl with bangs. Basically, this is a versatile look that I hope continues to grow in the hair trend world. I can see myself wearing this all throughout the fall and into the winter too!
Would you wear the half up topknot?